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Report shows significant value for organizations and employers who employ IFMA credential holders

Oct 04, 2018

IFMA has released its second report on the return on investment (ROI) of its professional development program. The first report found a striking 15:1 ROI for individual FM professionals in terms of salary and career advancement. This report continues the story, quantifying the value organizations and employers achieve from employing IFMA credential holders. Among the key findings:

  • 70 percent of organizations rate IFMA credentialed employees as having statistically significantly higher performance.
  • 12 percent increase in employee performance for each US$2,000 spent on IFMA credentials.
  • The average IFMA credential results in more than a 40 percent increase in employee performance.

IFMA’s globally recognized FMP™ (Facility Management Professional®) designation is a knowledge-based credential for FM professionals who study and successfully complete a series of comprehensive exams covering four knowledge domains: operations and maintenance, project management, finance and business, and leadership and strategy.

The one of a kind SFP® (Sustainability Facility Professional®) designation is an assessment-based program delivering a specialty credential in sustainability to FM professionals who wish to develop sustainable facility management practices.

Since it was first developed in 1992, the CFM® (Certified Facility Manager®) has grown into the most respected global certification for facility management. As the most prestigious credential offered by IFMA, the CFM covers the full scope of FM skills and knowledge as identified by the Global Job Task Analysis, which shapes the educational landscape that informs all of IFMA’s educational products.

IFMA’s industry-defining platform also offers the popular Essentials of Facility Management® courses along with FM professional designations available through the IFMA-RICS collaboration, including AssocRICS and MRICS.

The research report was released by the FM Research & Benchmarking Institute at IFMA’s World Workplace Conference and Expo in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. It included participation from 31 FM organizations from around the world and across several industries. The report features three detailed case studies.

The digital report is available for sale in the IFMA store for US$295 for IFMA members (US$445 for non-members):